Mandy Aftel explains why you shouldn't focus on appealing to the masses.
You once said that your perfumes are not for everybody, but you don’t want them to be. I think that’s where many new indie perfumers make mistakes. They want to appeal to the mass and constantly release ill-thought-out perfumes, hoping eventually they’ll please everyone.
"The world doesn’t need another bad perfume!
There’s enough of them. I don’t understand why anybody would want to spend their time doing that. I think they have stars in their eyes.
It’s just such a pleasure to do something you believe in and build it up gradually. It’s a very different dynamic, and if you can get people to go in that direction, that’s such a more meaningful way for them to spend their time and money."

You can't please all of the people all of the time, but you can please some of the people all of the time, and that's what you should focus on.
Once you’ve found your tribe, concentrate on keeping them happy. They’re buying from you for a reason, so stay true to yourself, your brand, and your clientele.
"We can’t be everything to everyone and still remain true to ourselves."